Christmas Cone Ornament
make a Christmas Cone Ornament you will need:
- 5x5 square of fabric or a 10 inch square for a larger cone
- interfacing
- trim, ric a rac or other embellishments
Sewing Materials Available
Sew a Cone Tutorial Directions
Cut one piece of interfacing the same size as your material square.
Iron interfacing on wrong side of material.
Fold top corner down to make triangle, placing right
sides together.
Sew edges leaving a small hole for turning inside out. Turn inside
Sew shut. Iron flat. Bring edges together to make cone.
Hand sew side edges together. Decorate with trim and embellishments
as you would like.

Glue ribbon to back of ornament or sides for hanging. Hang on tree
or fill with small goodies for a Christmas present.

project doesn't have to be for Christmas you can use all kinds of
material and use them for decorations or gifts. Another great idea
for these is to use them for parties as decorations or
More Christmas Sewing Ornament Ideas
Ornaments- use cookie cutters to shape your ornament designs.
Christmas No Sew
Ball Ornaments

Need more
Christmas sewing ideas?
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