1 yard or 2 yards flannel fabric for double sided receiving
Sewing Materials Available
Easy Instructions on How to Sew a Blanket
Cut fabric into 36 x 36 inch squares. For a one sided blanket, which
is often how a receiving blanket is made, use only one square. Turn
edge down ½ inch and ½ inch again. Pin in place and sew around
edges, taking out the pins as you go.
~Try a decorative stitch around sides for fun.
For a double sided receiving blanket, use two squares. Place right
sides together and sew three edges. Turn right sides out and turn
remaining edge in. Pin. Top stitch around all edges.
You can also do this with fleece material. Cut a 36x36 inch square
and hem edges as directed above for a one sided blanket or blanket
stitch around the edges.
Cut out fabric
using the dimensions above or as you'd prefer. You will need two
pieces the same size. On one piece of fabric, pin ribbon, ric a rac,
or lace 1 inch from edge. In the corners double up and continue to
pin down the edge.
Sew edge of ribbon to fabric.
Add second piece of fabric on top of the sewn piece with right sides
together. Pin edges together. Sew pieces together at the edge of
ribbon. Leave a 2 inch opening for turning right sides out.
Pull blanket inside out through opening. Iron flat. Tuck in opening
edges and sew. Continue top stitching along all edges. Top stitching
is just sewing a simple stitch along the top of the project.
You can
change this project into a burp cloth by making it smaller such as
20x12 inches.
Copyright, Debbie Madson, Madson Web Publishing, LLC
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