Basic Sewing Supplies
Before you get started on any projects, first collect your basic
supplies. Buy a simple box, plastic container or a
basket to store your machine supplies and hand stitching
supplies. Here are some ideas of basic items to stock your sewing
Sewing Materials Available
Hand Sewing Supplies
- Hand needles

Buy a package with several hand sewing needles.
- Thread
Buy several different colors to go with different projects.
- Pin cushion
Buy or make your own pin cushion.
- Scissors
Don't use scissors you would use for cutting paper. Buy a
special pair of scissors and use it only for sewing projects.
Sewing Machine Supplies
- Machine
Once you've mastered hand sewing you will start learning to sew
on the machine. I recommend getting a simple
machine not a children's machine. Buy a machine that can
do lots of different stitches but not too complicated.
- Thread
Depending on your project you will want thread to match your
material. You don't have to match exactly however. Black or navy
goes well on most dark fabrics and white can be used for most
light materials.
- Empty bobbins
You will use the thread you've already bought to fill your
- A seam ripper
Making mistakes is part of sewing. Even master sewers make
errors and sometimes have to rip out their stitches and start
- Pins
You can use larger pins called quilting pins or normal straight
pins. Sometimes I use both depending on the project.
- Extra machine needles
These come in a package with different sizes to be used
depending on your thickness of material.
- Straight edge ruler
I use a quilting clear ruler to measure a lot.
- Tape measure
Also used to measure your material.
- Scissors
Don't forget your scissors from your hand sewing list above.
- Tidy work space
Whether it is a large table or just a corner of the table you
need a place where you can cut out material and have room to
Don't forget to read your pattern or instructions for items you
will need.
Sewing Posters including a Sewing Supplies Poster available here:
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Kit in a Jar
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