Charity Sewing Projects

Donations are the lifeline of many organizations and sewing projects
for charity is a personal way to get involved. Check with any
charitable organization before beginning a project to ensure that
they need the item, and that they are a reputable group.
Sewing Materials Available
Charitable Organizations
Not all charitable organizations accept handmade items and some
organizations are fake, selling donated items for self-gain. Before
you start sewing items for donations, check to make sure they are a
reputable company.
Infant Projects
Sewing projects for infants are plentiful with free online patterns
for a wide variety of projects. Premature infants are small and
require tiny t-shirts, caps and gowns. Contact the charity prior to
starting your sewing project for specifics on materials, closures
and any restrictions or recommendations on the charity sewing
projects you have.
Homeless shelters, children's services and other similar
organizations may provide 'want and need lists' that contain items
that are always needed, and items that a specific infant or child
needs. Charitable baby showers are sometimes hosted for mothers in
need and many children's hospitals have specific programs for units
in their facility. Child sized pillows with matching blankets, ICU
'Going Home' layettes and stuffed animals are just a few of the
items that many children's hospitals request.
Veterans and VA Hospitals
Wounded war veterans and patients in VA hospitals benefit from
charity sewing projects both physically and emotionally. There are
many sewing projects needed for injured vets including specialized
pillows for supporting injured limbs, tube pillows that provide
non-pressure support and gowns that have Velcro closures.
Rehabilitation facilities also benefit from the skills of those who
can sew. Replacing buttons with Velcro for vets who have lost limbs
or sewing pull tabs on socks to allow a vet to dress themselves are
just a few of the many ways where sewing skills are used.
Nursing Homes
Senior citizens have special needs that are filled by donations of
hand sewn items. Hospital bed saddlebags, wheelchair lap robes,
walker bags and Velcro closure gowns are a few of the items welcomed
at many nursing home facilities. Contact the facility prior to
starting a project in order to find out what their immediate needs
are. Donating items that are not needed and will go unused, take up
valuable storage space. Volunteers at these facilities may also
benefit from charity sewing projects including drawstring bags, book
covers and flap style pouches.
Need a fun hand sewing project?
Felt Sewing Patterns!
Special charity sewing projects for pets, especially after a natural
or man-made disaster, fills a niche often overlooked. Cage pads,
animal specific toys and clothing are a few of the items that are
often needed by animal rescue facilities and adoption agencies.
Horse blankets help to prevent infection of wounds or sores while
booties can help paw pads heal in comfort. Blankets for animals
cages are popular items to sew.
Cat or dog cots can be sewn and given to animal shelters such as the
Humane Society. Check with the organization in your area for exact
dimensions they are looking for their needs.

The needs list of each facility will differ and calling the
organization provides information on what items are needed most.
Free Patterns
Assisting in your endeavor to make charity sewing projects,
charities often provide links to free patterns for items that they
need. ICU gowns, chemotherapy wraps, drain bags and
breast cancer pillows are a few
of the free patterns available for cancer patients. Patterns to make
handmade stuffed animals given to children by law enforcement
officers and firefighters, or provided to children at hospitals, are
also available free online.
Charitable sewing patterns are found by category on some online
websites including:
Face Masks
Recycled Materials
Turning recycled materials into charity projects is a way to double
your efforts. Old fleece sweatshirts become diaper covers, preemie
hats, drain bags and scarves with a little effort. T-shirts become
lap robes, drawstring pouches and wheelchair or walker saddlebags
easily as well. Material scraps are wonderful for small stuffed
animals, preemie clothing and pet toys, while sheets transform into
colorful Velcro closure gowns.
Volunteers and donations of needed items are vital to many
organizations. Charity sewing projects provide a way to share both
time and resources with others in need.
Covid 19 Sewing Opportunities
Caps for Nurses
masks- here is a free pattern for sewing masks with pleats.
Operation Christmas Child
Would you like to sew some projects for
Operation Christmas Child
boxes? Here are some ideas:
Zipper bags/pencil bags- add stationary items to
your bags or hair accessories, toys, etc.
Small stuffed animals
Mini snap bag
Felt sewing patterns
Hair accessories:
Follow Kids Sewing Projects