Circle Pillow

circle pillow projects
This circle pillow project will help you learn how to sew curves. You will need the following for learning how to sew this project:

Sewing Materials Available

How to Make a Circle Pattern

To make our circle pattern, fold a piece of 15 x 15 inch heavy paper in half. Then fold in half again. Round the edges to make a circle. Another option is using a large plate or bowl and tracing around the bowl on your paper.


Unfold and use this as your pattern. Cut out two circles from your material using the circle pattern. Pin your pattern in place or draw around the circle with a fabric marker.
circle pillow cut out
Place the two material circles with right sides together.
Stitch together leaving an opening to turn inside out.
circle pilow
Turn right sides out and stuff the pillow. If you are using a pillow form leave a larger opening for inserting. Otherwise stuff with batting.
Hand stitch the opening and practice hiding your stitches.

circle pillow project done
We have sewing templates to practice sewing curves.

sewing tip After practicing you can try some decorative ideas such as adding a trim or ruffle like this pillow with trim project.

Check out these how to sew a pillow instructions

Rectangle Pillow
Triangle Patchwork Pillow
Pillow Cover with Ties
No Sew Fleece Pillow
Neck Pillow
Pillow with a Trim

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