Felt Organizer
This Felt Organizer is so versatile that you can use it to store
pencils, markers, paintbrushes or use it as a sewing case. However
you use it, it is an easy beginner sewing project.
You will need:
- a 12 x 18 inch piece of felt
- 30 inches of ribbon or bias tape
Sewing Materials Available
Sewing an Organizer
Fold bottom end of the felt up 4 inches. Pin in place. Stitch along
each side.
With a measuring tape place a pin every 2 inches.
Make pockets by stitching down the center where each pin is. Don't
forget to backstitch at the beginning and end. Fold your ribbon in
half and pin the center to one side. Stitch the ribbon in place.
You can keep your sewing supplies in the pockets or store pencils
and markers for a pencil case. Here are some examples...
Fold up and tie in front. You can also decorate the front by gluing
pieces cut out of felt, ribbon or add beads to your ribbon.
Need a fun hand sewing project?
Felt Sewing Patterns!
Hand Sewn Crayon and Notepad Holder
by Emy LeFevre (Chubbuck, Idaho, USA)
This simple and useful felt organizer project uses three different
hand sewing stitches. And with the freedom to design your own color
scheme and appliqué design each project is charming and unique.
- 6" by 12" piece of felt for outside
- 6" by 12" piece of felt for inside
- 3" by 12" piece of felt for pocket
- Two 13" lengths of 3/8" ribbon
- 1 Button with a shank
- Extra felt pieces for outside appliqué
- #10 crochet thread
- Large yarn darner needle
- Scissors
- 1 3" by 5" notepad
- 8 Crayons
Step 1:
With a running stitch sew one of the 13" lengths of ribbon to the
top edge of the pocket.
Step 2:
Mark sewing lines for crayon pockets about an inch apart with a 3
1/4" pocket in the middle for the notepad.
Step 3:
With a running stitch sew the crayon/notepad pockets to the inside
piece of felt.
Step 4:
Create appliqué design for outside with felt pieces.
Step 5:
Pin appliqué design to the outside piece of felt and tuck the second
13" ribbon underneath. This ribbon will wrap around the holder to
the button to keep it closed.
Step 6:
With a back stitch sew appliqué design and ribbon to the outside
piece of felt.

Step 7:
Sew button to the outside piece.
Step 8:
With a whip stitch or blanket stitch attach the outside to the
inside/pocket. Make sure to fold the ends of the ribbon on the
pocket in between the outside and inside pieces to hide the edges
and make it look nice.
Step 9:
Fill crayon holder with crayons and notepad. Measure outside ribbon
around the holder to the button. Sew a loop in the ribbon so it can
hook around the button.
Step 9:
Trim ribbon end and finish with fray check or paint with clear nail
polish so it doesn't fray.
Beginner Projects:
Beginner Lessons, ~ Sew
Bean Bags, ~ Cell
phone holder, ~Sew
ornaments, ~ Easy
Snowman Craft, ~ Easy
Dishtowel Apron, ~ Felt
Organizer, ~ Fleece
Hat, ~ Heating
Pad, ~ How
to sew a pillowcase, ~ iPod
holder, ~ Potpourri
pillows, ~ Pillowcase
Apron, ~ Pin
Cushion, ~Rectangle
shape pillow, ~Traveling Sew Kit, ~Stuffed
Kittens, T Shirt Fringe Bag ~Tie Belt, ~ Stuffed
Fatties Ball Animals,,
Cat Toy,
~Hand Sew Potholder,
Follow Kids Sewing Projects