by lisa
I want to learn to sew, and everyone tells me to measure my pattern itself to make sure that it fits my measurements. So how do I do that?
Answer: It is true your usual size may not be the same size as a finished sewn item. By taking your measurements and following the back of a pattern measurement chart you will ensure you are making the correct size for you.
On the back of your pattern it will have a size chart, use your own measurements to determine what the correct fit is.
Would you like to create your own patterns? For a higher skill project check out how to make your own patterns.
How to Sew Pages:
Stitches, ~Buttons, ~Sew
Curves, ~Sew
Corners, ~ Sewing aprons, ~Applique,
~ Sequins, ~Buttonholes,
Seams, ~Ruffles, ~Elastic, ~Blanket binding, ~Sew patches, ~Ric Rac, ~Skirts, ~Top
Stitch, ~Pillows, ~Stuffed
animals, ~Skirt
pattern, ~Stretch
material, ~Thread
a needle, ~Measure
a pattern