How to Sew Shorts
To learn how to sew shorts, you will need a pair of shorts that fit
well now to use as a pattern. You can also do these same sewing
instructions to learn how to sew pants. You will just need enough
fabric to fit your pants pattern. Pre wash your fabric. We
have 2 yards for a pair of shorts for a pair of pants, depending on
what size you are making, you'll probably need to double that to 3-4
Sewing Materials Available
How to Sew Pants or Shorts
Lay your fabric flat. Lay your shorts or pants "pattern" on top of
your material placing the side edges on the folded end.
Cut 1/2-1 inch beyond the shorts. Do not cut the folded side.
~Be careful not to cut your shorts. You can make a paper pattern if
you are nervous about cutting, by tracing your shorts on a large
piece of butcher or art paper.
Refold your material so you have a folded edge. If you don't have a
folded edge you will need to sew the long sides together.
Flip your shorts over and continue doing the same with the waistband
pointing toward the different direction.
Fold right sides together on each piece. Pin short side edges and
sew leg seams, as shown above. Continue with other leg.
Tuck one leg into the other in the large hole on the top. One leg
will be right side out and the other wrong side out. Make sure right
sides are together. Sew along curve. See picture above.

Turn inside out. This is how you sew a hem, along bottom legs fold
1/4 inch up and another 1/4 inch up. Pin and sew along edge.
The last step is to sew an
elastic waistband, (click the link if you need to learn how
to do this.)
That is all there is to learning how to sew shorts. You can use a
variety of different fabric to create everyday shorts, lounge pants
or pajama shorts.
Here are some sewing short patterns to try:
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