Mini Bag with Snap

Using snaps for sewing projects

For this mini bag with snaps you will need the following:
  • 2- 10x 6 inch pieces of fabric, they can be the same fabric or you can have a different piece for your lining.
  • 1- 10x6 piece of interfacing
  • Snaps- (some snaps are hand sewn on and some require a special tool- it will give you directions on how to use them on the package)

Sewing Materials Available

Sewing a Mini Bag and Adding Snaps

  1. Iron interfacing to the wrong sides of the lining piece.

  2. Layer outside fabric and lining with right sides showing.

  3. Put right sides together. Sew along three sides of fabric leaving the top open.

  4. Turn right sides out and iron flat.

  5. sewing snap bag

  6. Tuck top edge down and pin. Sew a hem on the top.

  7. Place outside fabric together and sew side edges together leaving top open.

    sewn snap bag

  8. Turn right sides out again and hand sew or attach snaps in the hem. You can add two snaps on each end for more security.
with snaps

~Add a strap for a mini purse.

Easy Box with Snaps

by Tanja (Mountain View, CA)

box with snaps

Another project using snaps like the mini bag with snaps above.

"It's a Snap!" (easy box) from

I teach a sewing club, usually attended by 4th-8th grade girls, but I was pleased when a couple of 8th grade boys showed up this trimester!

They loved the "It's a snap!" project. Since we are doing all hand sewing, they did back stitch to sew the circles together, then top-stitched after turning. Very successful project for everyone, even the 4th graders who had never picked up a needle!

Editor's Note:
This is a great project for learning how to add snaps to a project. Once you cut out your two circles and sew them together with right sides together, turn right sides out and sew a topstitch. Then add your snaps alternating.

circles with snaps

You can find a pattern of how the snaps should go at the link above.

Related Lessons Projects:
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