Mini Bag with Snap
For this mini bag with snaps you will need the following:
- 2- 10x 6 inch pieces of fabric, they can be the same fabric
or you can have a different piece for your lining.
- 1- 10x6 piece of interfacing
- Snaps-
(some snaps are hand sewn on and some require a special tool- it
will give you directions on how to use them on the package)
Sewing Materials Available
Sewing a Mini Bag and Adding Snaps
- Iron interfacing to the wrong sides of the lining piece.
- Layer outside fabric and lining with right sides showing.
- Put right sides together. Sew along three sides of fabric
leaving the top open.
- Turn right sides out and iron flat.

- Tuck top edge down and pin. Sew a hem on the top.
- Place outside fabric together and sew side edges together
leaving top open.

- Turn right sides out again and hand sew or attach snaps in the
hem. You can add two snaps on each end for more security.
~Add a strap for a mini purse.
Easy Box with Snaps
by Tanja (Mountain View, CA)
Another project using snaps like the mini bag with snaps above.
"It's a Snap!" (easy box) from
I teach a sewing club, usually attended by 4th-8th grade girls, but
I was pleased when a couple of 8th grade boys showed up this
They loved the "It's a snap!" project. Since we are doing all hand
sewing, they did back stitch to sew the circles together, then
top-stitched after turning. Very successful project for everyone,
even the 4th graders who had never picked up a needle!
Editor's Note:
This is a great project for learning
to add snaps to a project. Once you cut out your two circles
and sew them together with right sides together, turn right sides
out and sew a topstitch. Then add your snaps alternating.
You can find a pattern of how the snaps should go at the link above.
Lessons Projects:
Lessons Level 5, ~ Mini
Snap Bag , ~Sew
a buttonhole, ~Zipper
Bag, ~Netbook
to sew a quilt,
Quilt, ~Rainbow
patch blanket, ~Striped
Quilt, ~Frayed
Edge Quilt, ~Bandanna
Quilt, ~Scrap
Patchwork Quilt, ~How
to tie a quilt, ~Sew a
Rug, ~Needle Book
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