Pillowcase Skirt
For a skirt you will need:
Measure how long you would like your skirt. Using a tape measure,
measure from the waist to the desired length or measure a skirt you
already have. Add two inches to that length to allow a seam
allowance in the waist.
Sewing Materials Available
How to Sew a Skirt from a Pillowcase
Lay your pillowcase out flat. Starting at the hemmed edge, this will
be the bottom of your skirt, measure to the desired length. Cut
pillowcase straight across. Turn the top edge down ½ inch then down
1 inch. Pin in place.
Stitch along the pinned edge leaving 2 inches open to insert
Measure your waist with the elastic. Add 1-2 inches to allow for
stretching and cut elastic at that length. It is better to start out
with more and trim off the excess then to not have enough! Attach a
safety pin to the end of the elastic. Insert into hole.
Push elastic through to the other side. When both ends are out pin
ends together and try the skirt on to make sure it fits comfortably.
Trim any excess elastic if needed. Pull elastic out slightly so it
is easier to work with. Sew two ends of elastic together by
stitching and backstitching several times to make secure.
Stretch elastic back into waist. Stretch seam flat and top stitch
opening closed.

Pillowcase before and skirt after.
Need a fun hand sewing project?
Felt Sewing Patterns!
Lovely Layered Skirt
by Rachael Jo (WA)
Another easy project like the pillowcase skirt above
- 1 yard of cute fabric (floral, lace, silk)
- 1 inch wide elastic long enough to cover
the circumference of your waist.
1) Cut a rectangle 14 inches wider than your waist measurement, and
1 inch longer than you want it. cut another rectangle that is the
same width but 4 inches shorter that the last layer.(different
fabric is optional)
2) Sew the short ends of the piece of fabric together, right sides
together.also do the same for the layer
3) Then serge the bottom of the skirt and also the layer.( you may
also just hem up edges)
4) Sew the top of the layer and fabric together, the layer on top.
5) Fold over top of fabric, 1/2 inch wider than your selected
elastic, and sew around leaving 1 inch(for elastic to enter)
6) Thread your elastic through the hole at the top of the skirt.
7) Sew ends of elastic together. and there you have it!!!!!
done! i know you do not believe it but it is true!
8) Put it on and say"wow i am amazing, i made this!!!!!!!"
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