Preschool sewing activities can help young kids learn fine motor
skills and start learning about sewing. In the pre-beginner stage,
kids would love to get their hands on a needle and thread. They
would also love to sew like a grown up, but they aren't quite old
enough for this, yet. However, that doesn't mean they can't get
involved in sewing activities.
We have some of our favorite sewing
activities and ideas for preschool age kids listed here. Hand Sewing Activities Ebook.
Noodle Necklaces
This is a great kids sewing craft because it teaches them about
threading without using a needle. This sewing activity works best
using noodles or O shaped cereal.
Cut a strip of yarn or string long enough for a necklace or
bracelet. Add tape around one end of the yarn to make for easier
threading. Let kids thread noodles or cereal in whichever fashion
they want to make their jewelry. The cereal necklaces are also good
for a quick, fun snack.
Faux Needle by Mary Anne Tracy (Omaha, NE)
After you have cut your yarn, dip one end in white school glue and
let it dry. Makes a nice stiff end on your yarn, with no need to
tape the ends!
Pipe Cleaner Needle
Cut a pipe cleaner in half and firmly twist one end around the end
of your yarn or string. This works great and is super safe for
little ones. If you are stringing up macaroni necklace, just use the
attached pipe cleaner can become the clasp to close it up.
Homemade Children Sewing Cards
Children's sewing cards can be easily made by printing off a
picture, laminating it, cutting it out and punching holes around the
edges. You can use these cards with shoelaces, a long string of yarn
with tape around the ends, or you can purchase a long plastic needle
to use with the yarn. These needles are not sharp and can be used to
practice threading and sewing through the holes.
Print off pictures on heavy cardstock paper and laminate. (see our Preschool-Grade 1 Sewing activities ebook for
sewing cards) Punch holes along the edges and use different colored
yarn or shoelaces.
Demonstrate to your preschooler how to thread the yarn or string in
and out of the holes. Then let them practice as much as they would
Sewing helps preschoolers develop their fine motor skills.
More Free Sewing Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers
Easy Recycled Sewing Cards
Save your used Christmas or birthday cards and use for kids sewing
cards. Punch holes along the edges of your card and thread a long
piece of yarn or shoelace in one corner. Tie a knot at the end so
the string will stay attached. You can have preschoolers use a blunt
needle to sew or if using yarn, tape the end of your yarn.
Paper or Foam Leis
Paper or foam in different colors and shapes
Straws cut in smaller pieces
Punch holes in the middle of your shapes. Have preschoolers sew a
pattern with their shapes and straws on to the piece of yarn. Kids
love this because they can use their own imagination and design if
you give them a variety of shapes and colors to choose from.
by Skitty Nichols (New Zealand)
To make a counting booklet, cut out felt numbers and one big felt
number line and you can count in 2's 3's 4's and even 5's.
Alphabet Sewing Practice
by Lynn Cain (Frisco, TX)
I use a magic marker and draw letters or numbers onto burlap fabric.
I give children plastic sewing needles or blunt plastic canvas
sewing needles and teach the up, down; up, down; pattern to sew over
the lines to create letters or numbers. They could produce their
name, athletic number or simply practice their numbers or letters.
Finish product can have edges frayed to create a wall hanging.
More Preschool Sewing Activities
Your Kids Sewing Project
Share your kids sewing project, instructions or pictures.
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