You can recreate a whole new wardrobe simply by refashioning older,
used or clothes that don't fit well.
Sewing Materials Available
Ideas for Wardrobe Refashioning
Clothing is Too Big
For a garment that is too big you can sew a closer seam of an inch
or two on the sides of dresses and shirts. Try on clothing and pin
or measure how much you'd like to take in, making sure to leave some
allowance for general movement. Sew along seams.
Take out side seams and add side panels with strips of fabric. Cut
strips as wide as you'd like for the length from the armpit to 1/2
inch beyond bottom hem. Turn bottom edge up and hem strip. Pin right
sides together on one side and sew. Finish opposite side of strip
and sew. Do the same on the other side of the shirt.
Adjust Sleeve Lengths in your Clothes
Make sleeves shorter or even a shirt sleeveless. For shorter sleeves
try on and pin where desired length. Carefully align two sleeves
together matching length and shoulder seams together. Trim off extra
fabric leaving an 1 inch for hemming. Turn sleeve edge in and turn
once more pin and sew in place.
For sleeveless, cut sleeves edge close to seam, leaving the seam
intact. Depending on the material you can leave as is.
Try clothing piece on and pin where you'd like the desired length to
be. Trim leaving several inches for hemming. Take off and fold up
1/2 inch and another 1/2 inch. Pin and sew.
Lay the skirt flat. Cut the skirt through the middle leaving 15-20
inches at the top. Turn skirt inside out and place two open seams
together. Sew both legs together.
from t-shirt- this works great for small children depending on
the size of your t shirt for bigger sizes try a t shirt dress or
long dress in place of the t shirt.
By adding a bottom edge simply by matching right sides together and
sewing. Long sleeves were cut off and added a cuff to the end. Also
trimmed off the hood by cutting close to the seam nothing more was
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